Friday, March 11, 2011

Awakened Post No. XX

Awakened 3/11/2011

We like what we know
And love what we can control
Drawn by the safety of the familiar
Always predictable and always available
Never challenging or questioning
Soulless, shallow, dumb and dead.

But there are things
That no one can see
And there are things
No man can control.

God doesn’t live in a compartment
And he doesn’t wait until we are ready
He is burning everything everywhere
And no amount of words are enough
As he does what he pleases.

He is not there for our approval
And he does not exist
Just to meet our demands
But he is everywhere and everything
Uncontrollable, and chaotic
But also loving and good.

Life is tepid and the world is dead
For we seem to prefer
What is predictable and simple
The uneasy peace of the status quo
That pacifies and validates
For all the wrong reasons
Just to kill us in the end.

We occupy our time
Instead of living in it
And we pursue the dreams of others
but end up empty, wasted and bitter.

We only ask
When we are beaten
And we only pray
When all hope is gone.

The first ones were not safe
They were the outcasts and the criminals
The broken and the deviant
And God filled their wounded souls with fire
And they let it shine right through.

We plan for a time
That may never come
And we organize a life
On the promise of false safety
But we still end up empty
And all we ever earn is death.

There is a part of me
That deepest part of self
The most valuable
And the most eternal
The part we think they know
But really they don’t.

So they must be forgiven
Because they never really knew
Viewing others in just one dimension
Here one day and gone the next.

They pretend they do not know me
And they look the other way
As if I was never born
And as if I never knew.

Maybe they never knew
And maybe they never saw
But I have grown larger in my silence
And I have become great in suffering
Larger than there rudeness
And greater than there cruelty.

I stand and I walk
And I give instead of take
However little or however much
I am larger than their dreams.

Around me are people in a building
And every day I pass them on the street
Men, women, and children
Both the living and the dead.

Among all of these
There are those who witness
And those who suffer
Yes, even the weakest and the smallest
And each and everything I do
Can affect them all.

Man thinks he can change the world
And he satisfies himself with fame or money
But the change he wreaks is not what he thinks
And the smallest thing can mean the most.

God is good and God is great
He has helped me
And he has saved me
when I was ready to strike He gave me peace
And when I was ready to die
He gave me life.

There are things we cannot see
And even the burning ones are among us
Watching and waiting
Just waiting for the day.

No matter what we do
We must live in our actions
And suffer our decisions
Unseen and unknown
But still there and still true.

In between us
There is a frozen lake
Big, cold, and empty
But beneath the surface there is life
And it is full of hidden secrets.

So much has happened
And so much has been lost
But still I live and burn slowly
beneath the ice
And barely hanging on.

Everyone has feelings
And everyone has dreams
But it is our decisions that make us different
And reveal who we are.

Sometimes they are easy
But sometimes they are hard
But the longer that we wait
And further we drift
The more impossible it seems
And the more it will hurt.

So we give in
And we give up
And wander in all directions
But imagination is different than living
And spiritual comfort is death.

God is fierce
And God is great
Everywhere and everything
Alive and passionate
Challenging and provoking.

He has not come
Just to rattle our cage
And God will not waste his love
On those who will not ask.

I want to hear the bells of heaven
Ringing and clanging with joy
And I want to be truly alive
And feel it surging through my pores.

To feel again the tingle
And let it flow to my fingers
Burning through my heart
Helping me become
What I was meant to be.

This is not all there is
And everything we ever thought
Is as real as the present
The greatest gift
Like a pearl of great value
Unknown by human dreams
And not made by human hands.

God isn’t safe
And I cannot live without him
So I pray for my blood to burn
And carry forth his spirit.

Pour down your fire from heaven
And consume this dead life
Bring me back to what you wanted
And help me to keep it burning.

The torch is lit
And my soul is hungry
Ready for what I cannot know
For anything real
And anything genuine.

I have welcomed his spirit
Knowing that I may lose
And knowing that I may suffer
But still I know that he is just
And that he will remember.

God shall decide our place
And God shall decide our wealth
He alone without our words
Knowing our hearts
And knowing our souls.

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