Friday, February 18, 2011

Valentines Day Massacre

The dreamer 2/14/2011

There is nothing worse than shame
When your name means nothing
And you feel like trash
Without any money or hope
And you are all alone.

Its makes you think
And travel backwards in your mind
Remembering your own words
And eating every single one.

You think of the future
And it makes you afraid
About what can happen
In a blink of an eye
And about the sudden horror
That takes everything you love.

There is nothing quite so painful
As having to beg and borrow
Making excuses for just another day
Or anything just for peace.

It makes you want to give up
And it makes you want to run
Diving into a deep black hole
And never coming back.

There are those who live in glass houses
And there are those who love to pretend
But they live on borrowed time
And thrive on the grace of God.

I too have lived
And I also have loved
But I have lost so much
That it’s painful to remember
What it means to breathe and laugh.

We are not half as important
As we think we are
And our times are not as unique
As we imagine.

To the world we are just a number
Something to categorize and use
A machine whose value is money
One that will expire, break down and die.

We are not loved as much as we love
And no one wants a man in need
For they listen only to take
And they give only to steal.

Only God listens
And only God loves perfectly
Never giving up
And never giving in.

He never tires
And he never runs
But waits with open arms
Ready to forgive
And laughing with joy.

They say that we are like his children
And I cry out his name in the night
Save me from this horrible ruin
And make me whole again.

Raise me up out of the ashes
And help me to change
To grow into a good enough servant
And be a worthy man.

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