Friday, February 11, 2011


An untitled revelation 2/11/2011

Some moments last longer than others
And some seem to last forever
Echoing throughout our lives
Often revisited
But never reconciled.

Feelings of guilt and regret
Remain frozen in our minds
Growing and multiplying
Lest we forget.

The new man is like the old
But no man living can remember
And many are led astray
To see what they want to see
And have what they want to have.

But the truth is the same
And nothing we see can change it
Because we have already read the warnings
But are too tired to fight.

Evil never gives up
And even the fallen
Long since disembodied
Live now as men
Inhabiting the vacant
And deluding all they can.

Changing with the wind
And afraid of the truth
Architects of ruin
And destroyers of men.

The world teeters on madness
And random thoughts beguile our hearts
As we drift in boredom
To destinations unplanned.

There are many who knew
But even they grew weary
For even the good are human
And are weak for food.

We all need love
And we all need meaning
But deception rules the world
And many die unsung.

You can see the clouds
And you can hear the thunder
But not all seek shelter
And not all shall survive.

We are human
And all hearts can be heavy
But it is what we do
When we are lonely
That will matter in the end.

Not all promises are good
And all paths do not lead to God
But man just makes apologies
For all the wrong reasons
And at all the wrong times.

The guilty never think they are wrong
And evil always blames something else
Hiding in the shadows
Behind a mask
Or behind a bomb.

They cry out against Gods people
And we think they are the same
But man gets what he deserves
And fools vote for oppressors.

Evil is growing
And men in high places
Only worship themselves
Basking in false glory
While the good toil and suffer.

They tell us we are Gods
And they tell us to look inside
But all they see is vanity
And all they know is hate.

They say they fight for honor
But there is no honor in their murder
Nothing holy
And not a single martyr.

God looks down
At what he has always seen
And what he has always known
A drawn out pageant of death
As the devil claims his own.

We have tasted of the glory
But impatience has worn us down
Tired of the obligations
We fall for almost nothing
And wither on the vine.

It is hard to hold the line
When you have nothing left to give
And it’s hard to say no
When they know your every dream.

We all have weaknesses
And evil men know them all
Anything to look good
And anything to win.

We travel far in pursuit
Of what we never had
Always trying to recapture
What we think is missing.

The sun can shine
Even in winter
But not everyone can walk
And not everyone can smile.

There are things
That are wrong
And God would never lead us
To act against his word
And live against his laws.

We cannot believe in part
For it is true or it is false
And nothing evil can ever live
In the world that is to come.

No amount of lies
And no amount of pretending
Can ever change the truth
Or make it go away.

Even though we die
Those who believe shall live
And even though we suffer
We are not the first
And this is not the end.

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