Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Dark Alley

Dark Alley             10/22/2019

Just because
We dare not speak
Will never mean
That it did not happen.

Asleep in the dirt
Dead in the ground
The silent truth
Begging to be found. 

The hated
Have no voice
Hounded every day
And blamed
For every woe. 

Hunted in the night
The dogs wait
For a loner
Caught up
And cut down. 

Excused and forgotten
No one will
Dare to ask
Blamed for their own murder
And discarded like trash. 

How long
Will this go on
The gigantic lie
A million times over.

Evil has a name
And evil has a face
Ugly on the inside
And ugly on the out. 

Lurking in the shadows
Hidden in the dark
The seething hatred
And sudden rage. 

Search it through
And drag it out
From the evil
Pit of darkness
Every last lie. 

Those who know
Lay awake on their beds
How long we wonder
Will all of this go on.

Ever smaller
And ever fewer
The good die off
Singled out
And chopped down.  

Drowning in despair
Many kill themselves
Intentionally or unintentionally
Dying young
Sooner and sooner.

No one dares
To question
For fear of the hate
While evil laughs
And celebrates. 

In time
Their foot will slip
At just the right moment
The spark
And the fuse.

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