Friday, April 12, 2019

The time you have

The Time You Have                             4/12/2019

With age should come wisdom
But all too often saturated
With longing and regret
For all that we wasted
And all that we lost. 

But with faith
Comes understanding
And peace enough
To see
And to know.

Content in the knowledge
That time is all we have
And that it is better to be good
Than it is to be great. 

Knowing that you can lose
Almost everything
And yet still remain

Safe in the memory
That all of us are wounded
But strong enough
To break free
From victim hood.

For God knows all
And sometimes
Must break our heart
To save our soul.

Plucked from safety
And plunged into cold waters
To test us
And try us.

Forced down a path
We might not have taken
The road far less traveled
Hard, sharp and pressing.

Without means of escape
And no one left
On which to lean
The growing pains of faith
To do or die. 

One foot in front of the other
Day after day
And hour after hour
Walking it out
And living it through. 

Emerging from the shadows
Renewed and reborn
At peace with our selves
Through faith and prayer.

More free
Than we ever knew
No longer asleep
And no longer blind.

Far enough away
To see clear
Through the fog
Of raw emotions
And temporary

Uncovering the treasure
Long hidden
Under our nose
The pearl of priceless treasure
Ours to keep.

A personal peace
And quiet contentment
That all is understood
And all is forgiven.

For every tear has a purpose
As numberless as dreams
And every disappointment
A lesson
To be learned
And revered. 

Traveling backwards
We remember the good 
Long forgotten thoughts,
Feelings, and emotions
Glittering like diamonds.

And it is then
We know
And then that we smile
Even when it hurts
Head held high.

We have it now
All that we need
And we are healed
Fearless and free.   

I have made my prayer
And I know it is heard
In perfect peace
Though the tempest blow
And the waters foam. 

No matter what happens
We are in his hands
Safe at home
One to another. 

Nothing is ever lost
If it is treasured
No matter how far
Or how long
Every single word
And every single person.

No matter where
And no matter how
Nothing can break
What God has planned.
And in him we must trust
Beginning to end.

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