Thursday, March 28, 2019

Depth Finder

The Depth Finder                                          3/28/2019  

Dig it up
And drag it out
Every last betrayal
And every last lie. 

Uncover the bones
And let us see
How they died
Those who know
And cannot speak.

Cast your nets
And drag them deep
Hauling up the secrets
Hidden in the sea.

The deepest darkest parts
In the deepest trench
The blackest of the black
Sunken in secret.

Open the vaults
And tear open
The seals
The deliberately hidden
To hide
And conceal. 

Let it all come out
And let it all unravel
The murderous truth
Of who what and when.

Worse than you think
And worse than you guess
The treacherous plots
To murder and steal. 

Crucifying others
For what they themselves
Have done
The slithering reptiles
Hidden in the grass. 

Hook them and pull them
And hold them up
To the glass
Exposed for all
To wail and gnash. 

Finish is right
Finish it full
Poured out for all
The cup and the wrath. 

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