Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Two Fourteen

Two Fourteen              11/14/2018

Some talk of love
But do they even know
What it is
Another day down
Water under the bridge. 

For some
It is an option
Interchangeable as clothing
Worn for just a season. 

And for many
It is the path
Of least resistance
Giving up
And giving in. 

But some of us
Knew form the start
Lucky enough
With parents and family. 

Real love endures
And real love hangs on
Fiercely loyal
Even when angry
And overburdened. 

Patient under trial
Even when exhausted
Discerning truth
From lies
And good
From evil.

A gift
And a treasure
More important
Than money
The pearl of great value
Hidden in the dirt. 

I have known love
And I have known
But woe to him
Who hurts
The humble.  

And cursed is he
Who disrespects
The loving
For he shall surely
Die twice. 

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