Thursday, November 1, 2018


Soon                   11/1/2018

This world
Will break your heart
Ripping you open
With a smile.  

I have seen it
And I have read it
The future past
Dumb and dead. 

Recycled again
And again
The age old lies
That evil is good  
And good is evil. 

The murderer excused
And the innocent a terror
Nothing but vomited spew
From the very first accuser.  

Palatable is the hatred
I can feel on my neck
Ever present
And often deadly. 

Let them all unravel
And let them all
Be exposed
Every single lie
And every single

Ground down
Dust and ashes
Scattered into the river
Salt and stone. 

Remembered no more
Heaped upon a pyre
Twice removed
And roasted in fire. 

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