Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Red Flag

Red Flag              11/13/2018

Everything is fake
And none of it is real
Whatever they promote
Or try to conceal. 

Another day
And another distraction
As we slouch
Towards Armageddon
Mumbling in the dark. 

Mortally wounded
By our own kindness
Bleeding a trail
Downward fast. 

We forgot
Who we were
And we forgot
Who we serve.

Nameless soldiers
In a war against ourselves
Picked off at will
One by one.  

Happily dropping down
Curled in a fetal
Begging to be stomped
In eventual extermination. 

Now we see
In the eleventh hour
The culmination of lies
And treasonous deceit. 

The same old wailing
And the same old lies
Relentless fraud
And obvious hate. 

Now or never
We must answer the call
Better on your feet
Than begging
On your knees. 

The silent war rages
One sided and deadly
Blood drawn
Bodies down. 

Insatiable the evil
Gnawing at our corpse
Ever wandering
For a soul to steal. 

Come quickly Lord
And listen to our cry
Waiting in the trenches
To jump and to die. 

Now they mock
And now they laugh
More loyal to each other
Than the people
That they rule. 

Deep down
In the core
The pretenders
To the faith
Damned to death
The second time around. 

The same now as then
The heap praise upon themselves
Until the tables turn over
And the whole world knows.

Horror upon horror
Visited upon the innocent
All for a parasitic class
Bleeding the world. 

They shall all fall
And they shall all burn
Every lie counted
And every murder

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