Thursday, April 26, 2018


Burner Phone                    4/26/2018

Any day
And any hour
All of the hidden
Exposed at last. 

They thought
They were untouchable
And they thought
They couldn't lose.  

The powerful
And the important
The arrogant
And the damned. 

Soulless, empty,
And rotten to the core
Anything to win
And anything to prove. 

Gloating over death
And walking over bodies
The remorseless murderers
And corrupted thieves. 

Meeting in secret
In the service of satan
The powerful few
With contempt for the many. 

It is you
And it is I
The ones they hate
And wish us dead. 

Only as valuable
As our money can give
The guilty plunderers
Of nations and men. 

The age old
They same now
As it was then. 

Dripping form the mouth
They lust to kill us all
But first we must be defenseless
And that is what they demand.

How many have died
Voiceless in a heap
Mowed down in a ditch
Unheard and undefended. 

Raped, bludgeoned,
Starved, and burned
The ashes of a century
They want us to forget. 

Ugly are the fools
Who parrot the hate
Modern day bolshevicks
Dripping with blood. 

Expose them all
And let none of them escape
Burning with hatred
For you and for me.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Cut Out

Cut out                       4/25/2018

Old dreams
Die the hardest
All to familiar
And etched on the brain.

Coded into our DNA
The longing for eternity
And the paradise
We once knew. 

Fallen far below
We climb over each other
At war with ourselves
And slaughtered like sheep. 

Asleep and unaware
We are herded off a cliff
Lied to every day
In every method
And every way. 

And traded
Tracked and digitized
We exist
Only for their pleasure.

and inoculated
We do as we are told
Ever more restricted
And ever more deluded. 

It is no accident
The horrible carnage
We see
The created crises
And predictable cures.

Some saw it coming
And some tried to speak
Silenced in time
And dead to the world. 

Let them all be smashed
And let the word go forth
All who were good
And all who were evil.

Exposed at last
In the trap
That they laid
Condemned by the lie
That they themselves
Hath made. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Rune Sword

Rune Sword              4/24/2018

I found a sword
At standing stone
Rusted, crusted
And left in the rain.

Scrubbed, scoured
Oiled and cleaned
I wedged it behind a bookcase
Idle and ready. 

I added a gilded cross
and I wrote down the date
Sacred to thyself
By chance and memory.

Only God
Knows the reason
And only God
Knows my heart. 

He who knew me
Long before I was
The one single thing
Against the odds of eternity. 

God alone
Keeps me afloat
And God alone
Gives me bread. 

With eyes to see
And a mind to ask
I see the world
Shudder and groan.

Under the weight
And under the gun
The evil hearts of men
Corrupt to the core.

Unimagineable the horror
And unspeakable the acts
Unnatural, evil
Satanic and dead.

Let it all come out
The truth like the sun
Cutting deep
And cutting through.  

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

White Roses

 White Roses                  4/10/2018

Step by step
Inch by inch
Night and day
Closer and closer.

Behold the wooden horse
Full of death and poison
Funded and planned
By purpose
And design. 

Another day
And another test
Endlessly prodding
And speculating. 

The chattering class
Both bought and paid for
Compromised, complicit
Soulless and dead. 

The world at stake
And trillions of dollars
Selling us out
Many decades of late. 

Money for the few
And death to the many
Cutting us down
And tearing us apart. 

All of it built
On gutting us out
The eternal dream of evil
One world
Without God. 

Both patient
And relentless
Ever plotting
To tighten the noose. 

Forever towards the goal
By any means they can
Manufacturing horror
To do what they will. 

Today I saw the story
 A life taken out of hatred
Another honest innocent
Erased from time. 

No one said a word
And it didn’t make
The mainstream news
Another notch
Another day. 

But you and I
We are the ones
That they really fear
No longer blind
To evil and deception. 

Find your heart
And find your voice
Now more than ever
Write, speak, and shout!