Thursday, January 25, 2018

Eye Level

Eye Level   1/25/2017

You can lose almost everything
And still remain undefeated
And you can suffer a world of shame
And hold your head high. 

Dead level ahead
And more determined than ever
The humble inheriting the treasure
Overflowing forever. 

I also felt the barbs
And I also felt the sting
Deep in the heart
Rejected and alone. 

An indifferent cruelty
That cut me in half
Doubled down
And doubled over. 

Unable to sleep
And unable to forget
The shame of defeat
Ever present
Every hour
And every day. 

Gone in a day
Like I had never lived at all
The stunning indifference
Of shallow fools. 

They traveled the easy path
Took the money and ran
Coasting downward
With a fake smile
All for the money
And all for fun.

Someone had to pay the price
And someone had
To shoulder the debt
Crushing me
And crushing you. 

Many are those
Who skip and whistle
Unaware and dumb
Play acting life
On their way to the end. 

Do not let
The end find you wanting
And do not pretend
That it’s okay
For nothing is hidden
That will not be revealed. 

Don’t wait another minute
For now is the time
To make amends
Coming out of guilt
And foolish regret. 

Get away from
What is evil
And choose to do
What is right
Now and forever
Away from darkness
And into the light. 

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Black Lagoon

The Black Lagoon           1/24/2018

Murky, warm, and fetid
Deep, dark, and Moldy  
Sucking down 
And gurgling up. 

Home to the snake
And home to the rat
Swarming with insects
And debilitating disease. 

Full of parasites
And sycophants
Drooling for blood
And preferential position. 

Sucking down
Any and all
To eat their flesh
Clear to the bone.  

Much has been lost
But the secret remains
All from one
And one from all. 

Hidden inside
The last surviving good
A remnant of hope
Hunted and hated. 

And that is why
They want us dead
Not just for money
And worldly power. 

For that they have
By their empty souls
Picked by loyalty
And sworn to Satan.

Do not look back
But only to the light
For many have fallen
By promises
And greed. 

Lean on the Lord
Safe under his wing
Holding his hand
In darkness
And despair. 

He shall deliver
In less than an hour
Victory from death
And justice from horror. 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Spies Like Them

Five Eyes           1/19/2018

Looking in
And looking out
Anything to win
And anything to steal.

Above, beyond
And corrupt
Nothing but evil
Top to bottom
Fake, evil, and dumb.

Covered up
And covered over
Watching over
Sight, sound,
And words.

Illegal and immoral
The soulless roaches
At the top of the pile
Always listening
And always watching.

Hidden by the complicit
And supported by fools
The hordes of followers
And imported tools.

Smug and self-absorbed
Sure of victory
And inevitable control
Over reaching out of hatred
And childish contempt.

But God is alive
And he also watches
And everyone. 

At the last second
Of the last hour
On the last day
Of the very last year
The witness was heard
And blessed.

Call down the fire
And pray ceaselessly
For truth
Raining down inside the soul
Eyes open
And fully awake.

Protect the good
And expose the evil
Where ever they hide
And whoever they are.

Growth is never easy
And learning comes with pain
The stretching of the spirit
And transformation
Of the soul.

Choose now
Who it is
That you will serve
For sooner than we think
Midnight comes.

Thursday, January 11, 2018


Deeper           1/11/2018

Tick tock
Drip drop
Under the water
And out of sight.

The hidden truth
Punching out pinholes
Almost unnoticeable  
In the dark dead of lies. 

Needles in space
Hidden from view
All but for those who search
And seek.    

But the dead cannot see
And the dark do not listen
Shallow, soulless
And willfully blind. 

A false faith
In man
And death
The foolish followers
Of oblivion. 

Embracing evil
And savaging the good
All of it for favor
And false approval. 

Trading away
The most priceless treasure
All of it for something
Gone in an hour. 

Heads on a pedestal
Untouchable and shallow
Looking through
And looking down
Arrogant, hateful,
Dumb and dead.

And promoted
Positioned and excused
The fake achievers lauded
Over nothing at all. 

Plumed with baubles
They prancing like peacocks
In love with how they speak
Practiced and fake.    

And overfed
Full of themselves
Predictable and dead. 

Leadership material
For the managerial elite
Clamoring for something
That was never real at all. 

Let the light
Come forth
And shatter the darkness
At once and forever
Eternal and true. 

Thursday, January 4, 2018


Freeland                1/4/2018

Once I felt human
But now I am a rag
Less than a worm
Crawling over glass.

It didn’t happen overnight
That I was discarded
Excluded by degrees
And shoved out the door.

Traded away
For temporary convenience
And kicked down the path
Of least resistance.

Indifferently dismissed
Out of familiarity
For all purposes
Forgotten Posts
And estranged.  

Switched off like a light
And crossed off the page
In a single solitary flourish
Totally erased
Like I never lived at all.

Stained on my forehead
And indelibly marked
Like an unwanted heap
Of odious refuse.

I tried to scrub it off
But I could never shed
This suit of skin
Weighed, measured
And dismissed out of hand. 

Time streams endlessly
Though the numberless hours
As we inch forward
One foot in front of the other.

Wounds heal
And scars fade
But regardless of distance
The shame endures
And always remains. 

Instantly recalled
By the smallest
Of happenstances
The humiliation of rejection
Sharp and painful. 

Unforgettable the loss
Total and catastrophic
The destruction of worlds
That we once knew. 

So what are we to do
With feelings such as this?
Awkward, painful
Jagged and raw.

For me
It took a long time
To fully grasp and know
That I had to turn it over
The other way around. 

To pick it all up
And turn it in
To something else
The indomitable courage
To grow. 

If you have lost everything
Then now you are free
Free to do anything
Regardless of threat
Or punishment. 

Free to speak the truth
And free to walk away
Leaving evil to its nature
Drowning in blood. 

Shout it loud
Without equivocation
And unashamed. 

Anything is possible
For the courageous
And the few
If they are willing to stand
For what is right
And what is true.