Thursday, September 7, 2017

Downer Downer

Downer                                9/7/2017

There is poison
In the well
And poison
In the clouds.

Why would anyone
You ask
So conspire
But only the evil
And the fallen.    

To lull us to sleep
As we pass through
The chute
On our way
To the slaughter. 

Docile, dumb
And virtuous
Willing sacrifices
To suicide.

All memory erased
The freedom
To choose
And live.

Lie upon lie
We are spoon fed
Lest we awaken
And see the future.    

The world
And all its power
Shudders at the thought
That we might
Yet see
And know. 

Rising up
And busting loose
Destroying the falsehood
For once
And for all.

Many have died
Without ever knowing
Led by the nose
And cut up
For meat. 

Served up
To the parasites
Fresh blood and all
The sacrificial offering
To hell. 

I did not know
To be worried
And I did not expect
The hands under the table
And the knife
In my back. 

Cut off
And cut down
Like so many others
Gone in a day. 

There is no way out
But through
And no way through
But survival. 

All that was
Surviving in the few
The fathers
And the sons.

Arcing backwards
All those who tried
Leaning into the plow
Until they dropped
And died.

In the beginning
So also now
The good diluted
And murdered. 

See it now
Written in blood
The signs of the times
At first a trickle
And then a flood.

Come quickly Lord
And hasten the end
Crushing the kingdoms
Of arrogance
And evil.  

Your sword is true
And your judgment complete
Choosing the time
In the blink of an eye.

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