Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Half Life

Half Life                11/22/2016

Some days are raw
Picked and rubbed
Dry and bleeding
Emotions flowing
Like blood and water. 

Time passing slowly
And sinking in your stomach
As we light upon irrational worry
One after another. 

Thoughts come and go
And inertia pulls me down
Forcing my duties
Further and further
Down the road. 

Everyone is here
But we do not communicate at all
Only in perfunctory greetings
Sent out into space. 

I labored across the hours
A small blip on the screen
Unknown and unblemished
By power or influence. 

Others struggle also
With demons and rum
Wrestling with odd temptations
And exasperating minutia.

I have sideswiped many
And stared across the crowd
Momentarily linked
And lost.

Unable to connect
And unable to speak
Solitary prisoners
Silent and alone. 

Heavy as a headache
And hot as a fever
The lost chances of life
And staring at the floor. 

I wanted it all
Without thinking
Now I live
In the ruins
Halfway done
And halfway alive.  

Fear is the only thing
Between us
And courage is only way out
Lest we all die stupid,
Voiceless, and dark.

Paint it now
With bold brush strokes
Far and wide
In scorching orange
And searing red.

Splashed on the page
In overflowing prose
The shout of God
Through our own
Mouth and tongue.

Let the tiny flicker
Be fed from above
The spirit unleashed
For the whole world to see.

Yes even the hurt
And yes even the pain
All for a purpose
That we may never see. 

Needs it now
So let it flow
Rich, perfect, and free.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Dark Passage

Dark Passage              11/17/2016

Gusts of wind carries the leaves
Across the lawn
And across the street
As I turn over in my mind
And go back to sleep. 

Traveling far away
In time and space
Into a future past
Glimpsing into dreams
Gone without a trace.

A black car
Swerves down a highway
And a battered child
Slowly starves to death
Ten hidden horrors a mile
Just beyond our reach. 

We can stare  
Or we can look away
All that has happened
Or is happening
Behind closed doors. 

But God knows
And God remembers
Every buried body
And every stilted dream.  

Every sudden treachery
Long practiced in the head
And every savage beating
Among the living
And the dead. 

Evil never rests
And evil never sleeps
Even when defeated
And even when chased.

Today they hide
And today they think
Unimpeded by morality
The masters of murder,
Deception and theft. 

Begging for mercy
With a knife behind their back
Always ready to kill
For power
Or for money. 

Pursue them down
Though they may cry
All of it an act
And all of it a lie.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Phalanx                     11/10/2016

Many a man
Has faced down death
And by the thinnest of margins
The good can be saved. 

The fight begins
And the violent erupt
Spewing out in a tantrum
Childish, dumb, and cruel.  

The dead are rising
From the ashes on the pyre
Avenging ten fold
All that was murdered
And forgotten. 

Prematurely buried
And one coffin nail short
The lid lifted
And all blown away. 

The beaten man
Now stronger than ever
Covered by each other
Forward, flank and rear. 

Blamed, harassed,
And relentlessly attacked
The good and the innocent
And penalized to death. 

Hounded and hindered
At every single step
Robbed of everything
And ridiculed for fun. 

Bearing every burden
And enduring every attack
The host to the parasites
Feeding off his blood. 

Worn out and dying
We are always asked for more
While evil mocks the good
And celebrates.

It will never end
Until he comes
So together we can rise
And do what we can. 

Others have taken the blows
And others have paid the price
Accepting the challenge
And all the hatred. 

Stand with them now
Even when its hard
Because all of us need cover
The few
Against the many. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Eleven Eight Sixteen

Eleven Eight                                          11/8/2016

I stood in line
And watched the sun rise
Filled with anticipation 
And defiant determination.

But others have also lived
And faced insurmountable odds
Charging straight into the teeth
Of likely defeat
And certain death.

The air had a chill
And my hands
Were deep in my pockets
Staring into an easterly orange.

We didn’t talk much
But I could hear
Some hushed conversations
As we all stood
On a chilly Tuesday morning. 

I saw a baby
Chewing on a blanket
And I told his mother
That my son did the same. 

Far away from here
In a land
Long gone away
And almost disappeared.

Fools may not know
And evil never gives up
Always patient
And always cunning. 

The fight lasts forever
And bloodiest of battles
Are often in our head
For many are the fallen
Dumb, foolish, and dead. 

It is now that we meet
And it is now that we ride
Doing whatever it takes
No matter how long
Or how hard.

Up the hill
And into the teeth
Straight through the gates
Ready, willing
And full of fire. 

Burning so bright
That darkness becomes day
The spirit aflame
Furiously burning
Yellow, orange, and red. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Red Rose

Hideaway Hangout    11/2/2016

The dumb
Live in denial
Always hanging on
To the same old lies. 

But truth is reality
And reality is truth
Always present
And empirically

When I woke up
I could not forget
No longer able
To hide my eyes. 

That was the day
I learned to overcome
Smashing down the fear
Of rejection
And ridicule. 

And this also is the day
That the dam is about to break
Long held up
And long pushed down. 

But it is
At that precise moment
That animals always strike
Just when they lose
And just when they fail.

Lashing out in a violent spasm
They often kill or maim
Unable to grow
And unable to accept. 

Beware the sudden attack
And beware the greatest lie
A doubled headed snake
Dead and alive
And willing to kill.