Thursday, December 19, 2019


Thrice                    12/19/2019

The ugly
Hate the beautiful
And they always plot
To murder
And maim. 

Inside out
The rot with death
Contorted even more
With seething hatred. 

Always accusing
And casting aspersions
As if mere condemnation
Can confirm guilt. 

Dripping with hatred
They telegraph their intent
Projecting their jealousy
Far in advance.

But all but the most deluded
Faces the dawning horror
The certain persecution
And threatened genocide. 

Unafraid and determined
They prepare by the hour
All for the decisive moment
Whenever it should come. 

We see them all
And we cannot look away
No longer cowed
By intimidation
And propaganda.

They who cackle
And they who plot
Twice dead
And thrice condemned.   

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