Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Knock Knock

Knock Knock            12/18/2019

And asleep
In my day dreams
I never realized
The intimacy of evil. 

Soft, mild
Jagged and deadly
The sudden thrust
Deep in the back. 

Shocked awake
And gushing blood
We look for help
When it’s already
Too late

Blood and roses
Loneliness and loss
The treachery of liars
And the deceit of friends. 

In a house full of ghosts
I listened to the voice mail
Over and over again
That I was called
And I was loved.

Standing in the court room
Without help or voice
Alone and ashamed
In a deep
Dark winter. 

Shoved aside
When I needed
Help the most
The days I remember
And can never

I did not know
How to ask
And I did not believe
I was worthy. 

Nervous in my skin
And afraid to try
Nothing but a worm
Crawling over glass.

The world
Will bring you down
Crushing your spirit
Every chance
It gets. 

Everything I ever wanted
Gone in an hour
Betrayed from behind
And cut clean into. 

The liars
And the frauds
They love to mock
And injure. 

Kicking the injured
And torturing the innocent
They love to show
All  that they have won. 

As if people can be owned
And as if treachery was noble
The shameless thieves
Hiding in the shadows.

All of it a fraud
And all of it a lie
The first step of many
Greed, deception, and envy. 

Accused in whispers
And bribed with gifts
The evil of men
Who only give
To get. 

It is now
That I know it
What it is
That I want.

In all humility
I ask the Lord
That I want it all
Everything back
Plus everything more. 

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