Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Wait

The Wait                    10/31/2019

Echoes from the past
I can hear in my brain
Seared into memory
The decisive moments
Carved in my heart. 

It is a tragedy
That some people
Have no shame
And that some men
Have no soul. 

Time has healed
Even my deepest wounds
But even time
Cannot blunt
Committed evil. 

It still waits
Pacing in the shadows
Tirelessly plotting
Against the good
And the innocent. 

Under out feet
The blood cries out
Shed in secret
And buried in lies. 

Cut off in mid stride
The unsuspecting
Sacrificial lambs
Unfortunate obstacles
That were removed. 

Unhindered by conscience
And unfettered by faith
The lie with ease
Hands under the table
Where no one can see. 

Counting their money
Fresh from the laundry
And crisp from the printer
Sucked from the debt slaves
Every day and every hour.

Drunk on blood
They lust after power
Planning in secret
For their day
And their hour.

They think
We will forget
And they think
We will tire. 

Resigned to their
Implacable hatred
They think we will shrink
Unable to fight
For a every single inch. 

But what can
They do
To a people unafraid
At last awakened
By five decades and more.

God is stronger
Than Satan
And truth
Shall destroy
The lie. 

Past the point
Of no return
The evil and the blind
Lashing out
To kill all they can. 

Condemned forever
Their time is nigh
But just for a little longer
They lie
And they flail.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

October 55

October 55                                                10/30/2019

Some things
They are a mystery
The inner workings
Of the mind
Body and spirit. 

And how can we measure
The turbulent emotions
Ebbing and flowing
Through the human heart.

The war in our minds
Wages back and forth
Torn between different ideas
And limitless ideations. 

Never sure
What to think
I tried it both ways
Neither one satisfactory
In a world
Gone insane. 

Watching others
Full of soulless ambition
Anything for approval
And anything for prestige.    

Fakes and frauds
They pretend
It’s all so important
True believers in nothing
Except for pleasing men. 

Vying against the gatekeepers
They try and try again
Wasting all their efforts
For exactly
Nothing at all. 

Forcing their smiles
And nodding their heads
Even when its wrong
And even
When its evil.  

They go along
Pulled by the tides
And unbelieving.

Trusting in themselves
And the lies
Of mediocre men
They are lost
Before they ever knew. 

Swept away
By the paths
Of least resistance
Traded away
For nothing at all. 

And still they pretend
And still they suffer
Unable to admit
Or break free.    

Evil men
Hatch evil plans
Ugly on the inside
And ugly on the outside.

Evil in their heart
On their DNA
Evil thoughts and purposes
Twisted with greed.

Usurpers from the start
They seek to posses
And steal 
No matter who they hurt
Or who they kill.

Anything to win
And anything for status
Jealous of man
And envious of God. 

They mock
And they laugh
The faithful
And the good. 

Piling on the insults
To the already wounded
And the already replaced
Oozing with a hatred
Twisted and insane.  

The snake is a liar
Just as he always was
But still fools bite
Just as they always did. 

No different now
As it was then
When they murdered
The prophets
Over and over again. 

Pride and murder
Insanity and fear
Much is lost
Through soulless

Feverishly devoted
And dependent on lies
The persistence of evil
From the very beginning
Of time. 

In time
Their foot will slip
And they will fall
And there will be
No one to help. 

No lie
And no manipulation
Their swindling
We be of no avail. 

Their fall
Will be sudden
And complete. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Harvest Moon

 Harvest Moon               10/24/2019

I do not watch
And I do not believe
The constant stream of lies
Vomited on the screen. 

Endless programming
As predictable as the sun
Droning in the background
To mesmerize the foolish
And influence the dumb.

I see them in the store
And I see them on the road
Imported robots
Uninformed and compliant. 

More and more
Each and every day
Diluted and inundated
I shrink more and more. 

Powerful men
Upon mountains of money
Lifted up
By lambs. 

Bloody hands
And hearts of darkness
Dedicated Satanists
Drooling at death. 

Gleeful they celebrate
The decline of civilization
Statists to an end
They  think inevitable. 

Watching in anticipation
The we slip beneath the waves
Forever dead
And forever gone. 

But it is they
Who are truly doomed
Their days cut short
At exactly the perfect time. 

God knew
All along
As evil lashes out
To kill all they can. 

Like a cornered animal
Sensing the end
Seized in a death spasm
In rivers of blood. 

Harvest is here
Heavy with fruit
And golden grain
Enduring the blows
And biding our time.