Thursday, February 21, 2019


Everything   2/21/2019

There can be no victory
Without loss
And there can be no true joy
Without heartache. 

Fools wade in the shallows
And pretend they are alive
But those who live
Must also risk
And tread water.

I lost many things
And I sunk into the mire
Deep down a dry well
With no one to call.     

Abandoned to die
In the blackest of shadows
Ashamed to show my face
Contorted in pain. 

Less than nothing
And less than dirt
Death in my eyes
And blood on my shirt.

But God breaks
The proud
And corrects the foolish
Shattering our complacency
And uprooting our plans. 

So that we might see
And we might learn
With a humble heart
And a broken spirit. 

Free to be anything
And conquer the world
A new man
And a new heart.  

Thankful for everything
Undefeated and indomitable
More than enough
To take it all.

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