Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Cherries in the snow

Cherries in the snow     2/27/2018

Cherries in the snow
Secrets buried
Silent in sleep
The last four digits
Equal seventeen. 

Long dead
Are the memories
And predetermined. 

One falls down
As the other sits up
The mirrored image
Both dead and alive. 

Clear as day
The cutting crew
Hidden in plain sight
And walking away. 

The guilty free
Dripping with blood
While the good
Are scrutinized
Over nothing at all. 

They scratched out
My name
And put in their own
The liar and the fraud
Hidden in the trees. 

A man without a soul
Has nothing to search
An empty vacuum
Of unfillable greed.

Making assertions
And issuing opinions
Baseless, disgusting
Useless and vile. 

See them now
The vile abominations
Flaunting their power
Both liars and haters.

There is no way out
But through
And no survival
Without risk. 

Sooner than you think
We all make the choice
At first a trickle
And then a flood.   

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Everything   2/21/2019

There can be no victory
Without loss
And there can be no true joy
Without heartache. 

Fools wade in the shallows
And pretend they are alive
But those who live
Must also risk
And tread water.

I lost many things
And I sunk into the mire
Deep down a dry well
With no one to call.     

Abandoned to die
In the blackest of shadows
Ashamed to show my face
Contorted in pain. 

Less than nothing
And less than dirt
Death in my eyes
And blood on my shirt.

But God breaks
The proud
And corrects the foolish
Shattering our complacency
And uprooting our plans. 

So that we might see
And we might learn
With a humble heart
And a broken spirit. 

Free to be anything
And conquer the world
A new man
And a new heart.  

Thankful for everything
Undefeated and indomitable
More than enough
To take it all.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

The return

Undefeated                                    2/7/2018

I had me a house
And I had me a family
In a ghost world
Long ago
And far away. 

She was my everything
Far more than I knew
My brown eyed girl
Who gave me everything.

Many are the memories
And many are the reminders
All that was
And is no more. 

Young and dumb
Fresh and sweet
An unblemished lamb
Perfect for slaughter.

Awakened by the knife
Far too late to change
Deeply wounded
And bleeding to death. 

Still in the snow
Red, dead and white
Sacrificed for nothing
And sold for a song. 

That was me
And that was then
Long long ago
And far far way. 

A mirrored image
Both dead and alive
Just like here
And just like now. 

Here I am
The same and also different
An unacknowledged ghost
Up and down the halls. 

Seen through
And spoken over
An unwelcome reminder
Easily ignored. 

Others knew
And gambled
With my life
Empty people
Shallow and cruel. 

Trusting in themselves
And testing the odds
Probing every day
For something to steal. 

Hands under the table
They who have no shame
Anything to win
One life for another. 

They flattened my tire
And they cut me in half
Cut off
And cut short
Dead in the water.

Calling me up
Just to see
Where I was
False friends
And true enemies.

In a world of lies
Many have died
One man’s life
For another mans