Thursday, December 26, 2019


Riders                                 12/26/2019

Shrouded in darkness
The foolish
And the lost
Nodding their heads
Blind, dumb and dead. 

Drifting with the current
They believe
What they are told

They think 
They are smart
True believers
In every way
Mocking the good
Every day. 

Tube fed
Who think
They are elite
Sheep to the slaughter
Walking in their sleep. 

Believing propaganda
Since the minute
Of birth
Twice dead followers
Already condemned.

They boast
Of their money
Soulless and empty
Competitively arrogant
And loving themselves. 

They always buy
Whatever they are selling
Self-aggrandizing suicides
On their way to the end. 

Swallowing every bite
Of pureed propaganda  
Fake people
Fake world.

Pretending not to know
The reality outside
Protected for a time
Until judgment

They think
They have won
But nothing is the prize
Soulless men
Of divided loyalties. 

Soon enough
It all comes down
The stream to the falls
A long time coming
The certainty
Of God. 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

gamblers malice

Gamblers Prophecy       12/19/2019  


If God searched
Our heart
What is it
He would find?

He knows
When we sinned
But he also forgives
The truly repentant. 

But what of the liar
Who mocks
The wounded
Compounding their loss
Over and over again. 

Lord please
Let them loose
And let them wander
Far away from you
And all that is good. 

Harden their hearts
So that they will not hear
And glaze over their eyes
So that they
Will never see. 

Let them go on
And let them run away
A long time coming
When you
Cut them down. 

Hands under the table
They have cheated many
Falsely accusing
The innocent
And good. 

They gamble
With others
And they think
They are clever. 

Swindling their way in
And lying their way out
Full of false claims
And whispered promises. 

But you know
My heart
And also my
Endless sorrow. 

Searching me out
And proving me whole
Tested and tested
To see and to know. 

The gambler chuckles
And the gambler plots
Hurting the good
Every chance he gets. 

Call in his cards
And cash out his chips
The king of the house
Reclaiming every spoil. 

Returning ten thousand
Times ten thousand
Everything lost
Better than before. 

His final ticket
And his final bet
Chewed up
And spit out! 


Thrice                    12/19/2019

The ugly
Hate the beautiful
And they always plot
To murder
And maim. 

Inside out
The rot with death
Contorted even more
With seething hatred. 

Always accusing
And casting aspersions
As if mere condemnation
Can confirm guilt. 

Dripping with hatred
They telegraph their intent
Projecting their jealousy
Far in advance.

But all but the most deluded
Faces the dawning horror
The certain persecution
And threatened genocide. 

Unafraid and determined
They prepare by the hour
All for the decisive moment
Whenever it should come. 

We see them all
And we cannot look away
No longer cowed
By intimidation
And propaganda.

They who cackle
And they who plot
Twice dead
And thrice condemned.