Thursday, September 28, 2017

Needle Nose

Needle Nose    9/28/2017

Up and over
Around and down
We have gone
Into a rabbit hole
Where up is down
And down is up. 

Long ago lost
And long ago duped
We reel from tragedy
To tragedy
Unaware and asleep. 

We can believe
Or we can doubt
But if all of it,
Is a lie
Than nothing is true.

While we were staring
The rug was pulled out
Fleeced to the bone
With nothing left to show. 

And while we were shocked
The purpose is revealed
The solution to the problem
Decided in advance. 

Sometimes we conspire
And sometimes we don’t
But what if it never happened
And all of it
Was fake. 

Sitting in our seats
We watch the events unfold
Nothing but a carefully scripted movie
Right in front of our face. 

Chasing after theories
We are entranced by fire
Hung out for us to see
Half truths
And obvious lies. 

But in the blackest night
The laws are passed
Unopposed suicides
For everything we love. 

Caught halfway
We never see the end
Always off balance
And always

Far worse than we think
The deeds were done
On our heads
And on our dime
Amused and manipulated
Every day
In every way. 

Slowly conditioned
To accept the noose
Tighter and tighter
Weaker and weaker. 

Changing names
And changing faces
All in day
Without consultation
And without debate. 

Look up
And wait
As the days pass by
Another one down
And closer
Than before.   

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Off the Grid                           9/26/2017

Dead before you know it
And dead before you down
Murdered in the spirit
And scattered on the ground.

Once you feel it
The deed is mostly done
That sinking in the stomach
Unprepared and dumb.

Should have seen it coming
And should have seen the signs
The least threatening person
Strangely needy
And strangely close.

Deep down you will know
And when you feel it
Run like hell
For better it is to live
Than die for doubt.

Heed the call
And listen
To your instincts
The voice calling out
In the back
Of your brain. 

You can either
Stand up
Or crawl on your belly
Unafraid of truth
No matter what.

Now more than ever
Some will grow
And many
Will beg. 

Courageous men
Sift through the lies
Endless searching
For reality
And truth.

Rising up
And standing fast
Anything but a beast
That pees in the grass.

Gone in a day
Is he who surrenders
Less than a worm
Without honor
Or love.

But blessed is he
Who searches
And learns
Through observation
And experience.  

Open your eyes
And search it through
Better done now
For what is right 
And what is true.  

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Sink or Swim

Sunken            9/14/2017

It’s not the kind of thing
That you seek
And it’s not the kind of life
You could earn. 

Stuck in a gray maze
In a tall gray building
Sunk in
And sunk down. 

Burdened by the hours
That all add up
To nothing
Pointlessly tracking
Useless procedures.

Decades come
And decades go
Always growing
Layer after layer. 

Alone in a tower
Built upon sand
With nothing
To hold us up
But normalcy
And lethargy.

The center holds
Like it always does
Long ago off course
Carried by the current
Of dissolution
And doom. 

Each and every
Person a cog
Dependent upon a lie
That all men are good
Just as they are. 

Swallowing ever speculation
Offered as a fact
Surrendering all pretense
Of objectivity
And ethics. 

Forming into lines
We file through the doors
Staring at blanks walls
Of willful omission. 

Reduced to nothing
But pigs at the trough
Snout down
Dumb and dead.

Diminished and diluted
The herd is slaughtered
At will
Unknowing and unaware
Foolish, fat, and fair. 

Look up
And look around
Now or never
Head up
Or head down.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Downer Downer

Downer                                9/7/2017

There is poison
In the well
And poison
In the clouds.

Why would anyone
You ask
So conspire
But only the evil
And the fallen.    

To lull us to sleep
As we pass through
The chute
On our way
To the slaughter. 

Docile, dumb
And virtuous
Willing sacrifices
To suicide.

All memory erased
The freedom
To choose
And live.

Lie upon lie
We are spoon fed
Lest we awaken
And see the future.    

The world
And all its power
Shudders at the thought
That we might
Yet see
And know. 

Rising up
And busting loose
Destroying the falsehood
For once
And for all.

Many have died
Without ever knowing
Led by the nose
And cut up
For meat. 

Served up
To the parasites
Fresh blood and all
The sacrificial offering
To hell. 

I did not know
To be worried
And I did not expect
The hands under the table
And the knife
In my back. 

Cut off
And cut down
Like so many others
Gone in a day. 

There is no way out
But through
And no way through
But survival. 

All that was
Surviving in the few
The fathers
And the sons.

Arcing backwards
All those who tried
Leaning into the plow
Until they dropped
And died.

In the beginning
So also now
The good diluted
And murdered. 

See it now
Written in blood
The signs of the times
At first a trickle
And then a flood.

Come quickly Lord
And hasten the end
Crushing the kingdoms
Of arrogance
And evil.  

Your sword is true
And your judgment complete
Choosing the time
In the blink of an eye.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


Photograph                          9/6/2017

Another ring
Around the rosy
Another day
And another night.

Flowers and ashes
We dance
And we dream
Alone in our sleep
Empty and dead.

Once you see it
There is no turning back
What they want for you
And what they want for me.

What kind of evil?
Refuses to protect
Those who came before
And those yet unborn.

And what kind
Of cruelty is worse?
Than those
Who betray their own
And hate their memory.

Before persecution
There is replacement
And before genocide
The murdered are always

I have seen them also
Pray for our death
Watering at the mouth
For the distant day
To come. 

Jealous, hateful
Envious and savage
Killing off the vulnerable
Every chance they get. 

But what is worse?
In this land of ashes
Than those who enable
And lie. 

Hiding the truth
And smudging the facts
Skewing the counts
And rigging the match. 

Our pockets our empty
But our hearts are burning
Just waiting for something
Or anything at all.

He who knows the past
Has also read the words
The beginning
And also the end. 

We have always been
The hated
And we have always been
The murdered. 

The same then
As it is now
Buy even now
Our witness speaks
And alive. 

The few shall win
Just as before
Just as was written
The beginning
And the end. 

Watch them hate
And watch them thrash
Spewing, spitting
Disgusting and vile. 

Not long
Is their day of death
And never will they be able
To do what they want. 

Gone in an instant
The hour shall pass
When the many fall
And the few