Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Iron Angels

Silent Iron 5/25/2011

You cannot hear an iron angel
Because it flies on silent wings
And you cannot see it coming
Until it takes your soul away.

They swoop and dive
But no one sees them coming
In the black of night
Or the middle of the day
Sudden, swift, and sure.

We pay close attention
But only from the outside in
On the surface we try to be perfect
But on the inside we are clay
With a heart of made of sand
And a soul that runs away.

I am far from perfect
And I have nothing left for dreams
But there is no need to rise
If you haven’t fallen
But I am still full of fire
And my heart is solid iron.

If I am too young
To live in the past
Then I am too old
To believe in tomorrow.
But only God can ever know
And only God can ever heal.

The deaths head is rising
And the futures closing in
Pressing downwards on time
Speeding it forward
Faster and faster
Until it collapses into the past.

The mystery of matter
And the particles you cannot see
Travel sideways through a membrane
In and out of reality
And in and out of time.

Horror has no conscience
And death is never satisfied
Wildly licking at our bodies
And squeezing out our breath.

The world teeters on madness
But the worst is yet to come
Because of a deep dark secret
Hidden in plain sight.

Many are silent
And many are lost
Afraid to speak the truth
And murdered every day.

They cannot speak
And their mouths are frozen in horror
Tossed in a ditch and forgotten
While the earth gasps and groans
Under the guilt
And under the weight.

We live as if in a dream
And dream that we are awake
While a cold and deadly secret
Burns under the ice.

If they are cruel
Then it must tell you something
That their fruit is ripe
And that the end is coming.

The night terrors shall come
But no screaming can stop them
Unknown names
Silent and deadly
More and more and more.

I am not the first
And I am not the last
To choose
And be hurt
To believe
And be wounded.

We survive by indifference
And end up suffering the same
Shocking and shallow
Dull and dead.

They are dead but do not know it
Without a heart and without a soul
But even the foolish can tell
What is false and what is true
Because I can tell what it staged
And I see straight through.

It is better to lose your life
Than to live without a soul
And it is better to lose
Than it is to lie.

Even an enemy
Who crashes against our gates
Is held at arm’s length
Because he is watched every moment
And will not live for long.

Across the sea
Rivals negotiate and plan
Locked in a dance of suspicion.
Where no one can ever win.

But there is no greater horror
Than those who pretend
A false friend or leader
That love in name only
Just waiting to rob, or kill.

They call you a friend
But their eyes move to and fro
Finding out everything they can
Always looking for something
Or maybe someone
Maybe for something they can steal
Or something that they can use.

They deal in lies and deception
And they kill from the inside out
Cutting your throat from behind
And watching you bleed to death.

The destroyers are coming
And they are riding on a storm
Coming through to take our life
Before we can even understand.

A strange pause has settled
And complacency
Has fogged over our minds
Our hearts grown numb
And our senses dulled.

God teaches those he loves
But learning isn’t always easy
So I have no reason to fear
A future I already know.

Everyone who have ever lived
And everything that ever happened
Is and was
Planned and known
One of a kind
Eternally written
And intimately known.

I was born in the deepest black
And I am a terrible creation
Knitted both bone and sinew
Where no man could see.

A web encircles the earth
And spiders search for secrets
Sent to look for something
But they have not found the truth
Hidden in plain site
Every letter and every word
The damning proof
That no one can hide.

I knew and it came to pass
And I saw and it happened in time
Every single truth
And every single line.

I have seen the book
And I have searched its pages
But there was no name
And no one cared to remember.

The time is coming
And they shall burn away
Forgotten but not missed
Unhonored and unsung.

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