Friday, January 7, 2011


Unashamed 01/7/11 2:54 pm

Unashamed 1/7/11

Oh death do not wait
For the wicked are ripe
Taunting me every day
Just to make sure I know.

They scream
And they shriek
And they lie every day
Never missing any chance
To injure , insult and remind.

They think no one will notice
Their hands under the table
But they have been seen
And soon their end shall come.

Death do not wait
For they have ruined my name
Stealing everything they can
And making sure I see.

Anything to injure
And anything to insult
Threatening those with nothing
And murdering the good.

They manipulate the hours
And they operate by night
Careful not to leave any proof
Experienced in deception
And so full of lies.

They are a liar
And they know
Exactly what they do
They survive on pity
And brow beat the good.

But their days
Have started to dwindle
And I already know the end
As sure now
As when I first saw
And when I first knew.

They try to prove themselves
But they have no soul at all
Vacant, empty and shallow
Their fall shall be complete.

Insecure and full of pride
Without conviction or faith
They give what they think we want
And hide all their past.

They provoke and they mock
But they themselves shall fall
Rude, tactless and controlling
They shall die all alone.

They seek to ruin
And they seek to destroy
Just to blame others
For the horror
And the destruction
That they themselves have caused.

So close to the end
They have been
Closer than any dare think
But death is waiting
And shall swallow them whole.

They hurl insults
When no one is watching
And they taunt the good
Hoping to provoke some rage
Or anything to prove them right
Because they lie
And because they hate.

Others may lie to protect them
But someday they will be caught
Crushed by the weight of truth
And gone without trace.

Their names shall be missing
As if they never lived at all
And their memory erased
In a heartbeat vanished forever
And without a tear at all.

I am not afraid
And as for me
Death no longer smiles
As ready now as ever
For God knows my faith
And God knows my heart.

It shall be sudden
And it shall be shocking
The horrible disgusting truth
Exposed for all to see
The proof and the reason.

They make sure I heard
About all that they have
And they make sure to show
All the things they have stolen.

But, granite, wood, and stone
Cannot make a man
And love is not something
That any man can own.

I am ready
And I shall kneel with honor
Unashamed of the glory
A gift undeserved
But cherished.

He knows my heart was loyal
And he knows the man I have become
He knows the truth and he knows the lies
My life and my heart rests
In his love and in his grace.

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