Thursday, January 9, 2020

Trench Art

Trench Art                  1/9/2020

Deep dull and gray
A leaden sky
Highpoint of day
Slept away

A subtle change
Of direction
As a gentle breeze
Shakes the trees. 

The last
Straggling leaves
Spiral to the ground
On a cool and crisp
Winters day.

They thought
It was inevitable
Already mapped out
The stages
Of destruction. 

Slowly chipped away
The stubborn
Rights of man
Mere obstacles
To overcome. 

The independent citizen
Free individuals
Able to question
And hold account. 

Accused and maligned
For daring to defend
A unique culture
And essential civilization.

Assaulted by the propaganda
Endlessly spewed
The vomitus of lies
That no one believes. 

So close to victory
They salivate at death
Mocking the good
And watching the clock. 

No more time
For argument
And no more room
For victim blaming.  

A time to awaken
Speak up  
And demand
Total victory
Now and forever.   

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