Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Disruption              7/11/2018

How long
Has it gone on
The gigantic lie
Over and over again. 

A mountain built
On nothing
Made up
For money and power.

How deep
The deception
And how soulless
Is the source. 

A bottomless pit
Of insatiable appetite
A charnel house
Of hopes and dreams. 

Come out it will
The horrible truth
One after another
Until it all crumbles down. 

Turn on the light
And watch the roaches scatter
No longer protected
And no longer revered. 

The hidden evil
Around us
Masquerading as good
All of it fake
And all of it fraud. 

Agent provocateurs
Spies and assassins
Guiding the good
Into war and genocide.

Goaded and prodded
Distracted and exhausted
Forever running in a wheel
For someone else’s gain.

The dead cry out
Buried in the mud
Long silent
Beaten, crushed
Bloody and dead.

He who loves the law
Will see a crime
And search for the guilty
But he hates truth
Will search the truthful
To find a crime. 

See it
And say it
No matter what they do
A time for reckoning
One stand at a time. 

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